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Basic - week 1

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Week 7

Teaching > Flash notes

Depth of Field

Content on this page requires a newer version of Adobe Flash Player.

Get Adobe Flash player


Step 1

Download blur.fla

Step 2

Resize the stage so that it is 300 x225.

Step 3

Drag the background movieclip to the stage so that it covers the entire canvas.
Then select insert / motion tween extending it so that it is over 60 frames.


Step 4

Open the motion editor and select filter blur.
On frame 1 set the blur value to 8px, then insert a keyframe at frame 60 and set the blur value to 0.


Step 5

Next create a new layer and drag the sign so that it is position just to the left of the door in the background image.
Just like you did before, create a motion tween with a duration of 60 frames.


Step 6

Open the motion editor and select the blur filter again.
On frame 1 set the blur value to 0, then insert a keyframe at frame 10 setting this value to 0 and then insert the final keyframe at frame 60 and set the blur value to 8.


Step 7

Create a new layer and rename it actions. Insert a blank keyframe at frame 60 and open the actions panel and type:


Control / Test Movie