Recent Activity

Journal Special Edition

Korte, Jessica, Gavin Sim, Aurora Constantin, Eva Eriksson, Jerry Alan Fails, Cristina Adriana Alexandru, Janet C. Read, and Cara Wilson. "Pushing the boundaries of Participatory Design with children." International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction (2022): 100547.


KTP with iControl Sports Training Systems Ltd. Looking at designing training aids for football academies.

Journal Paper

Read, Janet, Marta Kristin Larusdottir, Anna Sigríður Islind, Gavin Sim, and Dan Fitton. "Tick Box Design: A bounded and packageable co-design method for large workshops." International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction (2022): 100505.


The Chici group at UCLan have been working with Lingo Kids to evaluate apps with preschoolers in teh North West of England..