
Teaching Activities


I have PhD supervision and examination experience in the area of HCI and CCI. I am also the UCLan Doctoral Training Centre Lead. Happy to supervise or examine interesting PhDs. I have also run several PhD training events in the area of HCI and CCI.

Course Leader

I was course leader for the Multimedia Degree at UG and PG for a number of years before the course was retired. I have considerable experience in this role and act as external examiner for universities in the UK.


I have extensive experience at teaching a range of modules within computing. I am currently teaching IoT and advanced topics in UX. Previously i have taught, web development, HCI, Advanced interactive apps, audio and motion graphics, user interface technology.


I have invited talks at a number of universities in the UK and abroad including Salford, Bournemouth, MIT Prune. I was also invited to talk at the ACM CHI Conference, San Jose, CA. Title: From England to Uganda: Children Designing and Evaluating Serious Games.