
game book

Game User Research

I contributed a chapter to this book on evaluating games with children:

Sim, G. Horton, M. and Read, J.C. (2016) Practical and Ethical Concerns of in usability testing with children. In M. Garcia-Ruiz (Ed.) Games User Research: A Case Study Approach, CRC Press / Taylor and Francis

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Augmented Reality Museums

museum book

I contributed a chapter to this book on designing augmented reality experiences in museums for children:

Sim, G. Cassidy, B. and Read, J.C. (2018) Crowd sourcing augmented reality museum experiences through participatory design with children. In. a.P.O.S. Vermeeren, L. Calvi, A. Sabiescu and D. Stuedahl (Ed.) Museum Experience Design crowds, ecosystems and novel technologies, New York: Springer

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Teaching HCI

HCI book

I contributed a chapter to this book on teaching HCI to 2nd year undergraduate students:

Read, J.C., Horton, M., Sim, G. and Mazzone, E. (2009) “CRaSh-ing into HCI” In P. Kotze et al. (Ed.) Creativity and HCI: From Experience to Design in Education. (pp 218-227). New York: Springer.

The book is still available to buy from Springer

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